About Exhibition Schedule Registration Rules
Announcement of Selected Participants Young Botanical Artist [ ไทย ]
Application and Submission of Artwork for the Preliminary Round:

● Please read this announcement of rules carefully before starting to draw. You will need to apply and submit your artwork to participate in the preliminary round.

● Prepare plant information to submit along with the image, including Thai name, common name, scientific name, botanical characteristics, natural distribution area, plant parts used, properties and/or chemical composition (if any). It is desirable to attach, along with the illustration, data or evidence of cultivation and/or uses in Southeast Asia for more than 50 years, such as records, notes, cookbooks, poems in literature, etc.

● Each artist may submit no more than 5 images and participate in the exhibition with no more than 3 images, or as determined by the committee.

● Apply online (November 1, 2024 – January 5, 2025) by filling out the complete information on the BAWW2025 website of the Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University.

Send all image files to sciartnetwork@gmail.com with the subject line as BAWW2025-the artist's English surname, such as BAWW2025-Chakkaphak. The registration fee will be paid only after the image is selected for the exhibition.

Registration Fee: Payment is due only after the image is selected:

• Artists residing in Thailand: 2,000 baht per image.
• International artists: 3,500 baht per image, which includes printing and framing for the exhibition, but does not include bank transfer fees or exchange rates.