
Master of Science Program (International program) 

Core Courses

Credits (lecture-lab)
SCID 515 Generic Skills in Biological Science Research 1 (1 – 0)
Ethics for researchers and an ethical consideration in the use of human subjects and experimental animals; proper design and use of research protocols; methods in search for scientific information; techniques in formulating and writing research project, i. e., thesis proposals and grant applications, research reports, theses and manuscripts for publication.

SCID 516 Biostatistics 3 (3 – 0)
Scientific methods and biostatistical analysis; principles and application of statistical methods to design experimental protocols and analyze data; probability distributions; estimation; hypothesis testing; chi-square test and analysis of frequencies; regression and correlation analysis; analysis of variance; analysis of covariance; probit analysis; non-parametric statistics; use of statistical packages.

SCPL 501 Advanced Plant Taxonomy 3 (2 – 3)
Prerequisite SCPL301 Principles of Plant Taxonomy, its equivalent or consent of
the causes director
Systematics plant Classificaion, relationships. Mutation, distribution, speciation, origins and
evolution. Application of advanced technology in anatomy, pollen biology, cytotaxonomy, molecular taxonomy and

PYPB 603 Medicinal Plants 3 (2 – 3)
Medicinal plants used in both modern and alternative medicines including dietary supplements and cosmetics. This includes morphological characters, chemical constituents, pharmacological and toxicological data, and preparation. Laboratory work emphasizes the morphological characters and identification of medicinal plant specimens.

SCPL 672 Seminar in Plant Science I 1 (1 – 0)

PYPB 614 Seminar in Plant Science II 1 (1 – 0)
A formal presentation of topics of interest in Plant Science given by students, supervised by the department staff and followed by group discussion.
Elective Courses

SCPL 502 Ethnobotany 3 (3 – 0)

SCPL301 Principles of Plant Taxonomy, its equivalent or consent of the causes director
Systematic study of the botanical knowledge of a social group and its use of locally available plants in foods, medicines, clothing, shelters, languages, literatures, ceremonies, arts, professions, etc. The study is the integration of techniques in plant taxonomy, anthropology, archaeology, and paleobotany. Methods in collection, conservation. And exchange of local plant genetic resources are reviewed. Focusing on Thailand, economic value
assessment and sustainable uses of local plant resources are discussed.

SCPL 503 Pollen Biology 3 (2 – 3)
Spore and pollen structure, their morphology and development. Conservation and viability of lower
vascular plants, gymnospermae and angiospermae. The problems of plant sterility, pollen techniques and
identification. Application is also emphasized to other palynological researches such as plant taxonomy,
paleobotany, criminology, iatropalynology and copropalynology. Laboratory and current topic discussion are

SCPL 511 Plant Bioregulators 3 (2 – 3)
Types and group of chemicals that are related to plant physiology, functional and control mechanisms, synthesis, biological effects and their applications.

SCPL 521 Plant Cytogenetics 3 (2 – 3)
Chromosome classification, chromosomal mechanism of inheritance, chromosome structure and
number, the behavior of the chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis. Their origin of their relation to the
transmission and recombination of the genes. Chromosome aberration and mutation, chromosome technology and
chromosome investigation with conventional technique; and molecular cytogenetics used in plant research such as
plant taxonomy, phylogeny, stability and improvement, plant conservation strategies and environmental
management. Laboratory and discussion in current topics of plant cytogenetics.

SCPL 522 Advanced Plant Molecular Biology 3 (3 – 0)
Advanced knowledge on techniques used in plant molecular biology and their applications to specific plant system. Presentation in the latest genetic engineering approaches applied to understand how plant develop and function and to improve yield and quality traits.

SCPL 523 Techniques in Plant Molecular Biology 3 (2 – 3)
Basic techniques and methods involved in plant molecular biology; molecular cloning, isolation of plant DNA and RNA, plant transformation techniques, analysis of cloned genes and gene products.

SCPL 524 Plant mutation 3 (3 – 0)
Genetic rearrangement of plant and their transmission to the next generation. Both gene mutation and chromosome structural changes, as a spontaneous and induced mutation. The mechanism of mutation. Current topics and the technology to induce mutation for plant improvements are also discussed.

SCPL 541 Advanced Plant Tissue Culture 3 (3 – 0)
Prerequisite SCPL441: Plant Tissue and cell culture, its equivalent or consent of the course director Advanced research and development in plant tissue methods. High technology is applied for research study in commercial micropropagation, breeding and in vitro conservation.

SCPL 542 Techniques in Advanced Plant Tissue Culture 1 (0 – 3)

SCPL444 Plant Tissue and cell culture, its equivalent or consent of the course director

Laboratory practices for plant tissue culture methods commercial micropropagation, breeding and in
vitro conservation.

SCPL442 Introduction to Phytochemistry, its equivalent or consent of the course director
Advanced knowledge concerning secondary metabolites in plant. The chemical classification, biosynthesis and distribution of secondary metabolites in plant. The extraction and the usefulness of secondary metabolites as medicine, food, and cosmetic. The screening in search of chemicals for potential use in the
treatment of diseases, emphasizing interesting diseases.

SCPL 561 Plant Virology 3 (3 – 0)
History of plant virology and viral diseases, classification. Plant virology at molecular levels, duplication, symptoms and response on plants, Types and mechanism of movement of viruses in infected plants, distribution of viral diseases and virus-resistant plants.

SCPL 571 Current Topics in Plant Science 2 (2 – 0)
Recent publications or scientific information on advances and new technologies in Plant Science are selected for discussion.

SCPL 621 Applied Plant Genetics 2 (2 – 0)
The application of genetics for sustainable development, in agriculture and livelihood of the people. The investigation of genetic variation of virus and bacteria used in gene technology. Techniques of genetic engineering. The risks and benefits of GMO (plants).

SCPL 671 Special problems in Plant Science 2 (2 – 0)
Specific problems in Plant Science are solved by carrying out experiments under the advice of the department staff.

SCBT 602 Gene Regulation 3 (3 – 0)
Lectures and discussions on recent publications and reports. This course emphasized recent developments in gene regulation mechanisms at the molecular level. It includes the topics of transcription, post transcription and translation, and how organisms response to fluctuations in the supply of nutrients or to changes in the environment. These will be examined in various microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, fungi and viruses), in plants and in animals.

SCBT 607 Advanced Plant and Animal Cell Technology 3 (3 – 0)
Basic and applied researches in plant and animal cell molecular biology with emphasis on gene regulation and genetic manipulation in higher eukaryotes, and on construction and utilization of transgenic materials. Lectures and discussions on recent publications and reports.

SCID 504 Evolutionary and Environmental Biology 3 (3 – 0)
Important ideas in population and environmental biology; evolution of life and ecosystems of the earth; natural selection and evolution; population dynamics; behavioral biology; ecology of disease transmission; biodiversity; conservation biology and environmental management; environmental problems that human
encountered; important problems involving population and environment.

PYPB 601 Traditional Thai Medicine 3 (3 – 0)
The medical systems in Thai society, with special emphasis on traditional Thai medicine and the development. The political strategies of the Ministry of Public Health on traditional Thai medicine, basic principle of traditional Thai medicine, pharmacy and massage are the important topics.

PYPB 602 World Market of Herbal Drugs 3 (3 – 0)
Factors affecting demand of herbal drugs in international market will be taught. It consists of environmental factors influencing the demand, production and market structure of imported and exported countries, especially Thailand and other competitors, and international organizations related to the production and marketing promotion.

PYPB 604 Medical Ethnobotany 3 (2 – 3)
The development of medical ethnobotany in Thailand with emphasis on medicinal plants. The multidisciplinary study of anthropology, botany, chemistry, and pharmacology will be stressed. Laboratory work emphasizes the research methodology in medical ethnobotany.

PYPB 606 Laws Relating to Plants 3 (3 – 0)
Laws and regulations relating to plants including import and export of plant specimens of Thailand. The aspects focus on conservation, protection, control, and promotion of utilization of plants for both research and education, and business. Acts included are Drug Act B.E. 2510, Act of protection and promotion of Thai Traditional Medicine B.E. 2542, Health Professional Practice Act B.E. 2542, Community Forest Bill, and Plant Protection Bill.

PYPB 607 Development of Herbal Medicine 3 (2 – 3)
The development of production and quality control of herbal medicine. This course is also emphasis on evaluation of chemical and physical properties of registered and unregistered herbal medicine available in Thai market including detection of steroid adulteration and microscopic characteristic studies chemical and physical control, determination of adulterant and microbial contamination of herbal medicine sampled from the market and
produced in the laboratory.

PYPB 609 Computer Application for Plant Database 3 (1 – 6)
Data structure analysis, information system design, and data searching. This course also deals with the use of computer programs for storing, sorting, retrieving and displaying information.

PYPB 609 Medicinal Plant Improvement 3 (3 – 0)
Principles of plant breeding and their application to problems in medicinal plant production. The emphasis is on genetic concepts in plant breeding, methods of developing improved varieties of self-pollinated and cross-pollinated species and hybrid varieties. This course also covers polyploidy, mutation, and biotechnology on plant breeding.

PYPB 610 Current Topics in Pharmaceutical Botany 2 (2 – 0)
Literature survey on selected topics of current interest in the field of Pharmaceutical botany, The students will participate in the presentation and discussion on the assigned topic.

PYPB 611 Sociocultural Perspectives on Drug and Herbal Use 3 (3 – 0)
Drugs and herbals use in both professional and popular sectors with sociocultural perspectives. This course emphasizes on social and network, indigenous belief, ritual, and value related to using techniques, indications, and meaning of those products.

PYPB 612 Conservation and Utilization of Medicinal Plant Genetic Resources 3 (3 – 0)
Medicinal plant genetic resources, their importance, and in situ and ex situ conservation techniques including growing collection in the field, seed collection, and in vitro techniques. Sustainable utilization of plant genetic resources, law, and international co-operation and agreements are also covered.

PYPB 613 Medical Ethnobotany Fieldwork 3 (1 – 6)
Fieldwork techniques in medical ethnobotany are practices at rural areas. It includes selection of study area and key informants, data gathering techniques, collection and identification of plants used, data evaluation and presentation.

PYID 674 Special Problems I 2 (0 – 6)
Each student will be assigned to review relevant literatures and/or conduct laboratory experiment in the topic of individual interest under the supervision of academic advisor.

PYID 675 Special Problem II 2 (0 – 6)
Each student will be assigned to review relevant literatures and/or conduct laboratory experiment in the topic of individual interest under the supervision of academic advisor.

PYID 695 Applied Plant Biotechnology in Pharmaceutical Science 3 (2 – 3)
The application of principle and techniques of plant biotechnology, e.g., biopharming, micropropagation, embryogenesis, cell suspension culture, hairy root culture, and transgenic plants, for high quality natural product production.

PYPG 667 Phytochemistry 3(3-0-6)

Contact: Assist. Prof. Dr. Veena Nukoonkan (

SCPL/PYPB 698 Thesis 12 (0 – 48)
Students need to conduct experiments and write up dissertations in the topics of their interest
under the supervision of their advisors. A total of 12 credits of research for M.Sc. Thesis is required.

Quality Assurance
Teaching-Learning Process
The teaching and learning process of the programm places emphasis on active learning, interactive 2-way education and communication with local, regional and international lecturers, researchers and experts.

Learning activities are in-class, home-based and field-based in order to gain theoretical knowledge, analytical thinking as well as practical skills. It is required that written papers should demonstrate critical and thoughtful thinking and analysis. In-class learning and in-class based tasks involve lectures, hands-on exercises, analysis of case studies/histories/examples, individual and group analytical assignments, multidisciplinary/
inter-disciplinary group work, group discussion presentations and round table discussions.

Evaluation of the Student Performance
The evaluation of the student performance will follow standard evaluation criteria of Mahidol University.

Curriculum Evaluation and Revision
The evaluation of the teaching and learning is performed every semester.
The evaluation of the curriculum is performed every 2 years.
The revision of the curriculum is performed every 2 years, or as needed.