(Physiological, Biochemical, Embryological, Genetic and Legal aspects)
At Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
Thailand is located at the center of the Indochinese peninsula in the Southeast Asia with a total area of approximately 513,000 km2. It is the 20th most-populous country in the world with around 67 million people. In addition, it is rich in plant biodiversity and ranked the 13th in the world. Plant Biotechnology, as well as Plant Genetic resources is the major concern for universities, academic institutes, governmental organizations, and the public. Therefore, the Department of Plant Science, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University is organizing the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference on Biotechnology as an Instrument for Plant Biodiversity Conservation (Biotech 2021) in collaborations with the ISHS after successful TSO 2016, CryoSymp 2018, and BGL 2019.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are not sure about this situation during the conference; therefore, we change this conference to be a hybrid conference including in-person and online. So, foreign paticipants will not hesitate to join this conference.
The Biotech 2021 will help to encourage scientists, students, and private sectors to widen their knowledge and learn recent advanced plant technology. This will help to develop plant biotechnology and plant genetic resources conservation throughout the world.
We look forward to meeting you in Bangkok, Thailand in July 2021 !!!
Dr. Kanchit Thammasiri
Biotech 2021